Carnivorous Plants
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Items 1 - 15 of 29

Ben´s Carnivorous Plants Soil
starting from
4,50 € *

Cephalotus Follicularis
11,90 € *
11,90 € per 0

Darlingtonia californica
11,90 € *

Drosera capensis (Sonnentau)
4,90 € *
4,90 € per 0

Drosera capensis alba
5,90 € *
5,90 € per 0

Fleischfressende Pflanze in Lavastein
9,50 € *
9,50 € per 0

Carnivorous plant in snail shell
8,50 € *

Nepenthes copelandii x lowii
25,37 € *

Nepenthes cornuta
19,90 € *

Nepenthes globosa
12,90 € *

Nepenthes gymnamphora
12,90 € *

Nepenthes hookeriana
8,90 € *

Nepenthes sanguinea red
7,90 € *
7,90 € per 0

Nepenthes sanguinea red Mini
4,50 € *
4,50 € per 0

Nepenthes spec. Borneo
6,90 € *
6,90 € per 0