Monstera Adansonii Indonesian Marble Variegata Ableger

Item number: BJ2931

Beautiful cuttings of this rare monstera. You will receive a cutting with 1-2 leaves, a head cutting with aerial roots or a stem cutting. We ship our cuttings in moist sphagnum moss.

Category: Philodendron & Co.

15,90 €

including 7% VAT. , plus shipping

Old price: 34,90 €
Available now!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 workdays


The variegation of the elliptically fenestrated leaves of this rare subspecies of Monstera adansonii makes them look like marbled, which gives it a fancy and unusual look. It is not complicated to care for and is highly sought after among Monstera collectors.
The product photos show examples of the plant. You will receive a specimen that corresponds in size, shape and coloring to the product photos.
- Delivery: you will receive a cutting with 1-2 leaves, a head cutting with aerial roots or a stem cutting.
- Growth type: climbing
- Origin: tropical regions of Indonesia
- Other names: Monstera 'Monkey Leaf', Slitted Window Leaf, Swiss Cheese Plant, False Philodendron

Ben's tips on plant care:

- Location/Light Requirements: Partial shade, avoid bright/direct sunlight.
- Substrate: Ben's Philodendron & Monstera Soil, Special Soil
- Temperature: optimal at 22-28° C, do not allow to cool below 18° C
- Watering: Water well about 1x per week, keep substrate moist but avoid waterlogging. Water less in winter.
- Humidity: Requires high humidity.
- Nutrient addition: In spring/summer about every 2 weeks with liquid fertilizer.
- Should be repotted about every 2 years.
- Avoid drafts. Remove dust from leaves regularly with a slightly damp cloth.