Rhaphidophora tenuis silver cutting rare

Item number: BJ2590

Category: Ableger / Cutting

29,90 €

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This commercially difficult to find Rhaphidophora catches the eye right away with its interesting dark green leaves, which are heart-shaped when young and have a knobbed surface. The leaves of the older plant then develop such deep incisions that they resemble the leaves of a fern. However, the plant goes through this striking change above all if you provide it with suitable climbing aids such as untreated softwood or peat moss sticks.
• Delivery: You will receive an offshoot with aerial roots and 2-4 leaves.
• Growth type: climbing
• Origin: Borneo's monsoon forests
• Other names: shingle plant

Ben's care tips:

• We recommend keeping the cutting in moist sphagnum moss until it has rooted. Then it can be potted in the soil recommended under the point substrate.
• Location/light requirements: bright with no direct sunlight
• Substrate: Ben's Premium Sphagnum Moss, Ben's Philodendron & Monstera Soil
• Temperature: optimal at 26°C (day), 16-18°C (night), do not allow to cool below 12°C
• Watering: Keep the substrate moist and water about once a week when the upper substrate layer begins to dry, with lukewarm water that is low in lime, but avoid waterlogging. Water less in winter.
• Humidity: needs high humidity, use a humidifier or place in the terrarium
• Nutrient addition: In spring/summer only moderately every 4-6 weeks with liquid fertiliser.
• The plant needs a suitable substrate for tendrils, such as untreated softwood or a stick of peat moss.

You can find Ben's sphagnum moss and in-house soil mixes here:
Soil for indoor plants (bens-jungle.com)


