The Monstera is perfect for the indoor climate because it has a high air purification function because its large leaves absorb a lot of pollutants and release oxygen. This monstera is also a little climbing artist: if you give it space to climb, it climbs quickly, which is why it is also called a monkey mask.
• Delivery: You will receive a large sheet, approx. 15cm long.
• Growth type: climbing
• Origin: Tropical regions of Central America to South America
• Other names: Monstera 'Monkey Leaf', Slotted Monstera, Swiss Cheese Plant, False Philodendron
Ben's care tips:
• We recommend keeping the cutting in moist sphagnum moss until it has rooted. Then it can be potted in the soil recommended under the point substrate.
• Location/Light Requirements: Partial shade, avoid bright/direct sunlight.
• Substrate: Ben's Philodendron & Monstera Soil, special soil
• Temperature: optimal at 22-28°C, do not allow to cool below 18°C
• Watering: Water well about once a week, keep the substrate moist but avoid waterlogging. Water less in winter.
• Humidity: Requires high humidity.
• Nutrient addition: In spring/summer approx. every 2 weeks with liquid fertiliser.
• Should be repotted about every 2 years.
• Avoid draughts. Dust the leaves regularly with a slightly damp cloth.
You can find Ben's sphagnum moss and in-house soil mixes here:
Soil for indoor plants (