Philodendron hastatum Silver Sword Cutting

Item number: BJ1485

Category: Ableger / Cutting

8,50 €

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Philodendron hastatum is an elegant eye-catcher in every living room with its silvery, shiny and almost reflective leaves, which take on the shape of sword blades as they mature. Like many philodendrons, it is not very difficult to care for and is happy about climbing aids on which it can climb.
• Delivery: You will receive a scion with aerial roots.
• Growth type: climbing
• Origin: subtropical sand forests near Iquitos in Peru
• Other names: Philodendron Silver Sword, tree friend, tree lover, climbing philodendron

Ben's care tips:
• We recommend keeping the cutting in moist sphagnum moss until it has rooted. Then it can be potted in the soil recommended under the point substrate.
• Location/light requirements: partially shaded to bright, avoid direct sunlight.
• Substrate: Ben's Premium Sphagnum Moss, Ben's Philodendron & Monstera Soil, Special Soil
• Temperature: optimal at 23-27°C (day), 16-18°C (night), do not allow to cool below 12°C
• Watering: Keep the substrate moist and water when the upper substrate layer begins to dry with lukewarm water that is low in lime, but avoid waterlogging. Water less in winter.
• Humidity: needs high humidity, spray regularly (leaves should be allowed to dry afterwards!) or use an air humidifier
• Nutrient addition: In spring/summer approx. every 4-6 weeks with liquid fertiliser.
• Repot about every 1-2 years when the plant is properly rooted.
• Regularly remove dust from leaves with a slightly damp cloth. Cut off damaged and dead leaves promptly with disinfected and sharp scissors.

You can find Ben's sphagnum moss and in-house soil mixes here:

Soil for indoor plants (



