With its only millimetre-sized flowers, which are olive green and white and have purple spots in the center, this miniature orchid is a beguiling tiny plant. Growing as an epiphyte on trees in the wild, it also prefers to be kept in the terrarium as a mounted plant on Xaxim or bark.
The product photos show examples of the plant. You will receive a specimen that corresponds to the product photos in terms of size, shape and coloring.
- Growth type: Upright
- Origin: Thailand and Vietnam
- Other names: The Three-Flowered Trichoglottis, Saccolabium triflorum
Ben's tips on plant care:
- Location/light requirements: partial shade to light, but avoid direct sunlight
- Substrate: tied up with Ben's Premium Sphagnum moss on Xaxim, roots or branches
- Temperature: optimal at 16-19 °C (day), 14-17 °C (night)
- Watering: Spray when tied up (daily during the growth phase, otherwise every 2-3 days), but allow the plant to dry out well. Only use lukewarm water with a low lime content. Water less in winter.
- Humidity: requires high humidity, use a humidifier or place it in the terrarium
- Addition of nutrients: Fertilize moderately every 2 weeks with diluted orchid fertilizer during the growing season.
- To keep the moisture at its roots, the plant should ideally be tied up with some sphagnum moss.
- Ensure that the terrarium is well ventilated to prevent fungal infestation.